New Zealand: The bucket list for nature lovers

If you’re a lover of nature and the great outdoors then New Zealand should most definitely be on your bucket list of places to visit. Both islands have more than…

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The green beauty products I couldn’t live without in Australia and NZ

The green beauty products I couldn’t live without in Australia and NZ

Can you be a backpacker and still have green beauty products? That was the question I asked myself before I came travelling. Eco products … View Post
The ups and downs of New Zealand

The ups and downs of New Zealand

I waited patiently for my bag in Wellington airport after flying for what seemed like five minutes from Auckland. I felt strangely nervous and … View Post
Losing my way

Losing my way

In the past few months, I’ve been the most impatient I’ve ever known myself to be. And I’ve always known I … View Post
The dos and don’ts of hostel life

The dos and don’ts of hostel life

If you’re lucky enough to have just booked your very first backpacking adventure, then you’re most likely reading this because you’ve … View Post
My favourite places in Melbourne

My favourite places in Melbourne

I’ve been living in Melbourne now for just over three months and it has to be said that it’s a fantastic city. … View Post