How I Saved £5,000 For Travel

A lot of people think that saving money for travel is near impossible. Trust me, I used to be one of them. I understand that sacrificing a chunk of your…

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Five things I’ve learned from travelling so far

Five things I’ve learned from travelling so far

It’s been roughly ten weeks since I left the UK but to me, it feels more like ten months! This got me thinking. … View Post
Review: My stay at Cairns Central YHA

Review: My stay at Cairns Central YHA

After flying up from Sydney, I unexpectedly ended up staying in Cairns for two weeks planning the next leg of my trip. I was … View Post
Packing for the backpacking

Packing for the backpacking

It’s important for me to admit that I am not organised when it comes to packing for such a big trip. I don’… View Post
Inspirations, dreams and breaking the mould

Inspirations, dreams and breaking the mould

Dreams of exploring and travelling It’s safe to say that ever since I could remember, I have dreamed of exploring and travelling the … View Post