Self-care tips if you work from home

Lockdowns are long over and the global pandemic has shifted (thank goodness) but let’s face it, working from home is here to stay. Whilst this way of working isn’t exactly…

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Why I Won’t Stop Running Alone

Why I Won’t Stop Running Alone

I run alone all the time and I love it. I run mostly in the evenings when, with the exception of summer, it’s … View Post
Supporting Someone with Anxiety

Supporting Someone with Anxiety

Mental health support has come a long way in recent years but those of us with anxiety are still often misunderstood. I’ve lived … View Post
Lockdown Habits I’m Going to Keep

Lockdown Habits I’m Going to Keep

There’s no doubt about it, coronavirus has completely changed the world. But what about the positives that lockdown has brought us? Whilst we … View Post
14 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Live By

14 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Live By

This is 14 inspirational quotes to inspire success in life and work. Change your mindset and take action with these words of wisdom from the … View Post
Social media detox: What happened when I logged off for a month

Social media detox: What happened when I logged off for a month

Taking a month-long break from social media changed my mindset (and mental health) for the better. Here’s what happened when I challenged myself … View Post