The dos and don’ts of hostel life

If you’re lucky enough to have just booked your very first backpacking adventure, then you’re most likely reading this because you’ve never stayed in a hostel before. Whatever your reason…

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My favourite places in Melbourne

My favourite places in Melbourne

I’ve been living in Melbourne now for just over three months and it has to be said that it’s a fantastic city. … View Post
Five things I’ve learned from travelling so far

Five things I’ve learned from travelling so far

It’s been roughly ten weeks since I left the UK but to me, it feels more like ten months! This got me thinking. … View Post
Review: My stay at Cairns Central YHA

Review: My stay at Cairns Central YHA

After flying up from Sydney, I unexpectedly ended up staying in Cairns for two weeks planning the next leg of my trip. I was … View Post
My first night in Sydney, Australia

My first night in Sydney, Australia

My solo travel journey from the UK to Sydney, Australia It was finally all real. I stepped off of the plane after 20 hours of … View Post
Packing for the backpacking

Packing for the backpacking

It’s important for me to admit that I am not organised when it comes to packing for such a big trip. I don’… View Post